African butterflies
by   Michel Libert
Just published (Febtuary 2024): Notes sur le genre Kakumia
Contact M. Libert

This site is intended to present the research realized by the author on African Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera exlusively (« Butterflies »).

The two main thema are Biodiversity and Ecology on one hand, Systematics on the other hand.
Some works deal with the families of Nymphalidae, Satyridae, Papilionidae or even Hesperiidae, but most of them are on Lycaenidae, usually as revisions of genera. Several papers also deal with more general problems, particularly about genitalia.
The 70 publications are arranged according to the above subjects ; ongoing works are treated separately.

Data were first collected during the ten years the author spent in Cameroon. They are now obtained through visits to many collections, held by institutions or individuals around the world.

For some time, this homepage will be the only one in English, and the remaining of the site is in French. The author apologizes to those visitors who can not read French, but he will be happy to assist if anglophone parties contact him.




by M. Libert

(full list)

The author


(a series of pictures

by J.–L. Amiet)


Last update

26 II 2024

Number of visits